Thursday, February 12, 2009


(The Hound of the Baskervilles © 2009 SelfMadeHero)
Very very busy. Baskervilles is almost finished. 'A Study in Scarlet' starts this weekend with four pages and then I have a week off. Lots of research ahead of me for The Country of the Saints. Really am looking forward to that. Should be fun. That's the nice thing about this job - in all its various stages there's always something for me to look forward to.

You can see the thumbnail for this panel here.

No small amount of thanks goes to my dear friend Colin Fawcett, without whom this last week would have been a real struggle. He helped me enormously with my 'flats' and also guided me to this rather superb photoshop plug in which is a real time saver. Follow the link for more of an explanation as to what 'flats' or 'flatting' is.

Thank you also to Brian Sibley for awarding this blog an Premio Dardos Award. Enormously appreciated!


  1. You did justice to the moody thumbnail, Ian.

    I've been using that plugin on Dead Pets, more the Flatten part of it rather than the Multifill, I was expecting newspaper printing to go out of register so I thought it would be a good idea to have it all trapped proper like. Most useful!

  2. Lovely image, Ian. Like the negative lines for his brow. Looking forward to seeing the book.

  3. a t'riffic image. I'm really looking forward to seeing this done and dusted

  4. Many thanks for your kind words.

    Faz, Multifill is a amazing. Good old Col!
