Friday, May 15, 2009


(A Study in Scarlet © 2009 SelfMadeHero)
I did an interview last night for Resonance FM's Panel Borders with Alex Fitch which should be up next week. We talked about Dorian, Holmes and HUZZAH!! which was nice.

Above is a panel from A Study in Scarlet - a schematic of sorts for a sequence where Holmes and Watson are unpacking (you might just be able to see some of the perspective lines if you look closely enough). Those familiar with the first book may notice here additional cupboards etc. With each book, because there's a significant enough difference in time scale, I'm able to go back and tweek some of those early ideas. So 221b's had a little bit of a makeover. Architecturally its exactly the same building - none of the walls are different, all doors and windows are in exactly the same place - but I do get to change the wallpaper and rearrange and often change the furniture which keeps everything fresh for me as I approach each book.

I'm going to now try to keep updating this blog quite regularly, maybe even daily as we move in to the latter half of production on Study - often with choice images from each day - so stay tuned, there's plenty more to come.


  1. Regular updates? Nice.
    Can't wait to get Baskervilles, wish I hadn't run out of money at Bristol:(

  2. Regular updates spund great. I think this Holmes stuff looks brilliant so far : )

    Any news on a date for the signing at Gosh yet btw ?

  3. oops. spund isn't the right word at all... meant sound

  4. did you use the perspective thingy in manga studio or did you draw the lines out by hand?

  5. Scribblesam - haven't heard about the date yet but I'll be posting it as soon as I hear and spund is fine by me.

    Gary - bit of both. The red lines are MS, the blue markings are my own.

  6. just got manga studio (in part due to you).. still to learn some of the shortcuts.. ;-)

  7. The perspective is great for when you're working in rough - you can only really draw axis lines, no curves obviously. Very handy though.

    Excellent article here by Stuart Immonen about computers and art:
