Thursday, December 10, 2009


Well, its been a while since I've properly posted. My wife gave birth to a baby boy back in September and since then its been a mix of lack of sleep to begin with and busy schedule as work got under way on the third Sherlock Holmes graphic novel for SelfMadeHero, The Sign of the Four.

A Study in Scarlet is OUT NOW!!! (I heard it would be the 15th of December, but it appears Gosh! have copies already) - However, it is currently only exclusively available in London (Gosh!, The Sherlock Holmes Museum) and in Nottingham (Page 45) before Christmas. The book will have a general release in February.

Also, just to keep me on my toes, work has begun on another project for SelfMadeHero. At the moment all I can show you is this:

My first big solo book! But I promise there will be plenty more of that over the coming new year. I shall hence forth intermitently pop back to update this blog with images from The Sign of the Four as the book works its way to completion in February.


  1. This utterly splendid news! I'd guessed from a couple of your tweets that Lovecraft might be next on your list, so pleased to see it confirmed. It's going to be a painful wait to see this finished.

  2. Congratulations! Hope the sleeping sorts itself out soon :)

  3. Thank you. Sleeping is back to normal again! I think we may be lucky with this one because unlike his older brother he sleeps from 7pm till 7am already.

    Paul, time flies. Especially for me... the one with the deadlines. We set dates 6 mnths down the line and I always start out thinking 'ah, that's ages away' and then suddenly boom! You're six months down the line. Fortunately by that point I've got 127 pages of art to hand - conveniently. :-)

  4. Can't wait to see 'At the Mountains of Madness'

  5. Cthulhu! Oh man i'm ridiculously excited about that.

    Also gotta send an email to Gosh...
