(Doc Fathom ©2010 I.N.J. Culbard)
Yet another pitch never pitched for Zuda - this time Doc Fathom which supposes quite simply that Atlantis never sank (and that it existed in the first place naturally). Very much a pulp adventure story of rather ridiculous proportions. These pages here are sans dialogue - the first page did at one point sport a Doc Fathom logo with the sub heading of Chapter 1. The Beast of '33.
That is wonderful!! Is there more to see? All of it hopefully?!!
This one had a lot of false starts - so there are variations of it - originally it was a pitch to Dark Horse but then the editor I was dealing with left so that fell through and then it disappeared into notebooks where it eventually appeared again as this - an excuse to draw a flying wing attack on Atlantis.
While Monstrous was very much a working up of ideas inspired by Universal Monsters and the Twilight Zone and Film Noir this was very much the Pulps and serials of a decade earlier.
I think this might be the best thing you have ever done. I mean everything from the concept to the designs to the art to the colours is just fantastic. It all clicks.
And i say this as a big fan of all your previous work mate.
I really think you have something here and would love to see you run with in some form.
I'll beg if that might sway you. :)
Yeah, I know that's a bit harsh but, man, this really is stunning work. If I can influence you in any way to complete this book then I think I'll be doing the planet a favour!
Well since Simon's begging and Dave is ordering.... gosh!
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