Yesterday, whilst drawing Baskervilles, I drew the six-fingered man. A deliberate mistake, an Easter egg for my father-in-law to find. After he read The Picture of Dorian Gray I received a full report including notes. Bless! (he thought he'd found an anachronism but fortunately was mistaken). So I thought it only fair to now include 'the six-fingered man' in every book I do.
The six-fingered man originally appeared in a "Hornby Dublo" catalogue (1957) which he (the father-in-law), owns. It's a great picture of a father pointing at a railway set (I think the father's even smoking a pipe - that memory might be distorted - he's a very Church of the Sub Genius sort of father), only the artist has over compensated on the digits and the father has an extra finger. He (the father-in-law), loves this picture because its wrong. And so there you have it, the origins of the six-fingered man.
Right then. I've got pages to draw. I better be off.
(The Hound of the Baskervilles © 2009 SelfMadeHero)
I'm going to have to hunt for the six-fingered man in Dorian now!
oh, he's not in Dorian. I've literally just put him in Baskervilles. and he'll be in every book here after. So you'll just have to buy Baskervilles when it hits shelves in May! ;-)
Oh, I see. Well, roll on May!
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