Deadbeats is a comic/Graphic Novel I'm working on with the guys from HP Podcraft - Chris Lackey & Chad Fifer. To find out more about it go to this website designated to it and have a gander at the synopsis and some of the character bios and for further updates. I'm very excited about being brought on board for this project as the script is a lot of fun and Chris and Chad a hell of a lot of fun to work with too. If you haven't heard their podcast and you love Lovecraft you really should head over there and have a listen. It is an excellent show.
That does look damn fine, you hepcat!
This looks wonderful - I can't wait to read it. Your inking seems to be finer here than what I'm used to seeing in your work. I'd actually have guessed this to be a Davis/Stewart project before I'd have guessed it yours (not that it seems derivative; the art shares a lot of qualities). I think the biggest reason I'd think so is the coloring.
It's great, by the way - the brush texture is gorgeous and the palette really pushes the story. Really, can't wait to see more.
That's very kind of you, Chris. The line is less weighted and also uniform (the BG line being of the same weight and consistency as the character line). Have been toying around from book to book with subtle changes and how the way I present my work changes my work overall.
Second page first pan is, quite frankly, "ace"! Your cam placement is sublime, putting the reader firmly in the air in a space usually overlooked. Nice.
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