I'm currently getting things together for a story that I'm hoping will appear in "The Girly Comic" and possibly something else for "Violent", both titles from Factor Fiction. Oh, and in November I'm planning to write a novel in one month... well, 50,000 words at least.
A while back, my good friend James told me about National Novel Writing Month, or Nanowrimo as it is known for short, and on Saturday last weekend I was all set to meet with Jay and Selina of Factor Fiction to discuss producing a story for The Girly Comic and Violent. Jay mentioned that he and Selina would be attending a Nanowrimo meeting that day (as they're both having a stab at it too). So, thinking this almost to be some sort of prothetic lure of destiny, I decided right there on the spot I'd go for it too.
After the meeting Jay and Selina gave me copies of The Girly Comic and Violent, which I've since had a read of and thouroughly enjoyed and am quite excited at the prospect of getting involved. Likewise Nanowrimo. Met some self proclaimed nutters (they're nice really) at this Nanowrimo meeting and am really looking forward to Nov 1st. I hope to use this as the impetus to get a novel written and then will see where that road takes me.