Tuesday, June 09, 2009


(A Study in Scarlet © 2009 SelfMadeHero)
I was rather pleased to be informed today that 'The District Messenger', which is the newsletter for the Sherlock Holmes Society of London, had the following to say:
"Just arrived in the post is The Hound of the Baskervilles, a Sherlock Holmes Graphic Novel, adapted by Ian Edginton and illustrated by INJ Culbard (SelfMadeHero, 5 Upper Wimpole Street, London , W1G 6BP; £14.99). The address so close to Conan Doyle's consulting room, inspires confidence, as does the foreword by Daniel Stashower. It's very stylish, and obviously done with affection and intelligence, as the careful floorplan of 221B indicates. Besides, how could anyone resist the advertisements on an omnibus: 'R Stephens & Co', 'Lee Bros', 'Hoffmanstal', 'The Blakely Ballet'...?"
As well as the ever elusive six-fingered man there are throughout the Holmes books a handful of Holmesian Easter eggs like the one sited above. The above reference is to Billy Wilder's rather splendid film 'The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes' which starred Robert Stephens as Sherlock Holmes and Colin Blakely as Watson. I won't explain the Blakely Ballet or Lee Bros. part for fear of spoilers for those who haven't seen the film - if you haven't, you must.

In other news I have recently been penciling and coloring a Doctor Who strip for the 2010 Doctor Who Storybook. I can't really say much else about it or show you anything till it comes out, but I can direct you to art from the strip appearing on Rob Davis' blog (Rob Davis, a fellow HUZZAH!! squaddy, drew layouts for the strip and inked it beautifully).

Monday, June 08, 2009


Gosh! in London are selling a limited edition (200 copies) signed Bookplate edition of Hound of the Baskervilles right now (it hit the shelves on Saturday I believe). So, if you want one go and get one.

Have had a week away from Baker Street due to numerous unexpected happenstances - but I'm back now so updates will resume.

Monday, June 01, 2009


(A Study in Scarlet © 2009 SelfMadeHero)
Another review - this time from Newsarama.

Another panel from A Study in Scarlet - this time from early on in the book when Holmes and Watson first meet.