Right now is possibly the busiest time of year for me in terms of the day job. Just finished a string of commercials for Picasso Pictures, so I can get back to more "Mad Doctors In Love" (can't quite believe that in the middle of it all I had to go into hospital! Eeek! But the lovely people at Picasso, and they really are lovely, worked around that, bless them).
I've also recently submitted a six page story to appear in Judge Dredd Megazine under the Small Press section, but more news on that later.
I'm currently preparing more pages of "Mad Doctors In Love" for the blog, but in the meantime, since it's been a while since I last posted, a word about my sponsor. Animation. Aka, 'that other thing I do' or 'what keeps me off the streets' or 'how I pay the rent'. So here's a little show and tell while we resume transmission.

A few years ago I worked with Ian Carney (he of Sugar Buzz fame) on a number of short films for Nickelodeon called Monster Vs. Monster. Ian not only writes comics, he also writes for television. We did a couple of comic book projects together, the first was a 24 page comic called Big Ape Go Mental which never saw light of day but was originally proposed as a four issue mini series. The vibe here was Hanna-Barbera cartoons in Dimension X.
We also did a two page story called Dagmar's Dinner (more for our own amusement). The vibe here was something equally surreal. Soon after this we decided to produce a film called Dagmar's Friend. It had a modest run at the festivals. The music for the film was produced by Ollie Davis with voices provided by Kate Harbour.
Here's Dagmar's Dinner.

And here's some stills from Dagmar's Friend.

Dagmar's Dinner/Dagmar's Friend ©Ian Carney/Ian Culbard, 2002-2006.
Big Ape Go Mental ©Ian Carney/Ian Culbard, 2000-2006.
WOW! Big fat tasty colouful image-tastic post alert!!! Always lovely to see the widespread range of your work, Mr C.
Appreciated, Mister Bling. Yeah, I figured it was time for a little colour on the old blog. There will be more smatters from time to time.
And I thought only Woodrow Phoenix could do justice to Ian Carney's scripts! Lovely.
High praise indeed. Many thanks:)
I love Woodrow's work on Sugar Buzz. I also really like his photo gallery he has up over at this site. Check out his recent trip to Japan. Some great pictures.
thanks for your comments on my blog (it's stupid how much i like the fact that someone has read what i wrote) and indeed the Stortford i refer to would be Bishop's Stortford.
No probs. I finally figured out that a hotmail account was suffice in order to post so I did. So, do Simon Pegg and the might Jagrafes (can't pronounce it so I can't spell it) end up being the big villains in the Mi3?
You know, if there's an Mi5 and an Mi6 one would presume there was an Mi1-4, right?
hello m8
looking forward to seeing the megazine stripp if it gets in....any chance of a preview?
Michael (Derby)
Hello Michael (Derby).
As soon as I hear word form the editor that it's in and when I'll be putting sketches up and a page from it (possibly two).
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